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11 Ways for Swim Families to Save Money

11 Ways for Swim Families to Save Money

If you’ve been around the swimming world for any length of time you’ve undoubtedly noticed that swimming is an expensive sport!  There’s not a lot you can do to get around some costs because at the end of the day pools must be rented, coaches and life guards must be paid, equipment and suits must […]

What's the difference between Yard Pools & Meter Pools

What’s the difference between Yard Pools & Meter Pools

A lot of people new to competitive swimming don’t realize that there are different types of pools which are actually different lengths that your swimmers compete in. To the average person a yard and a meter are about the same thing…to a swimmer they are most definitely not the same thing when it comes to […]

 People Swim Meet Directors Secretly Hate

People Swim Meet Directors Secretly Hate

This post is dedicated to my husband who recently acted as meet director for his 16th major meet and is already knee deep in planning the next one.  This is also dedicated to my friends from other teams who have taken on this noble role. If you are not familiar with what a meet director […]

What Makes a Pool Fast?

What Makes a Pool Fast?

Today I’d like to discuss exactly what people mean when they call a pool “fast”.  I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about some pools being good or fast while other pools are to be dreaded.   So what is it that makes some pools more desirable than others, and do they actually make swimmers go faster? Everyone take […]

25 Things Non Swim Parents ...Just Don't Understand

25 Things Non Swim Parents …Just Don’t Understand

Swim parents are a special group of people who face unique challenges that only they can fully understand and appreciate.  It takes a hearty soul to endure these struggles! Trying to decide what to wear to a meet when you know you have to drive 2 hours through a blizzard, only to then sit in […]

How to Read Swim Meet Heat Sheets & Psych Sheets

How to Read Swim Meet Heat Sheets & Psych Sheets

Today I’d like to discuss heat sheets and psych sheets.  As with all new things they can be a little confusing at first, but used properly they will help guide you through your day at a big swim meet.  These handy little meet programs are typically sold at the door for a few dollars.  Some […]

How To Survive Your First Invitational Swim Meet

How To Survive Your First Invitational Swim Meet

Going to your first invitational meet is fun, exciting, and slightly terrifying for new parents.  I’m not going to lie to you, at first it is going to be stressful but never fear if you prepare properly and embrace the experience you’ll be an old pro at this meet stuff in no time.  So today […]

How to Stay in your Swim Team Communication Loop

How to Stay in your Swim Team Communication Loop

Whether you are brand new to the swimming world or a long time veteran, staying informed of what’s going on with your team is a must.  Good teams are fast paced and always have something going on.  Whether it’s pictures, meets sign ups, social events, practice changes, t-shirt sales, meet results, there is always something […]

How to Care for your Swim Suit & Save Money

How to Care for your Swim Suit & Save Money

Swimming, as I’m sure you are learning, is an expensive sport.  So for a lot of us it is important to figure out how to save money.  One way to do that is to learn about proper swim suit care. Believe it or not, having separate competition and practice suits and learning to properly take care […]

The Top 11 Cringe Worthy Swim Parents

The Top 11 Cringe Worthy Swim Parents

Every team has a few parents that the rest of us cringe at every time they walk into the room.  As we explore the concepts of swim meet and swim parent etiquette we will be talking a lot about these types of moms and dads and how to avoid becoming one of them.  So today […]